Camp Information

Fern Hollow Farm offers several day camps throughout the summer.  Camp is an opportunity for students to learn and practice new skills that will set them up for success in the show ring. Additionally, students have the opportunity to build new friendships and have fun!

Advanced/Intermediate Camp: June 24-29, 2024


Advanced camp is for students who are currently working on jumping courses. It is an opportunity for students to learn more skills and hone their current riding and horsemanship skills. This camp includes coaching and show fees at a Carolina Schooling Series Show at F.E.N.C.E in Tryon, NC on June 29th.

Cost: TBD


Beginner Camp: July 30-August 1, 2024


Camp will run from 9 AM to Noon daily, and available to riders who are 6 years of age and up. This is a perfect opportunity for kids to learn the basics of riding. No horse or riding experience is required.

Students will learn grooming, leading, tacking, and basic horsemanship principles. Each day students will ride every day of camp, learning riding basics such as steering, walking, trotting, and pole work.

Cost: $250

To sign up or learn more, contact us at or (828)447-0652.