Our Services

Board With Lessons- $800 per month
This includes stall care, feed, hay, water, blanketing, daily turn-out, and space for a tack trunk and all equipment. Additionally, one individual or semi-private lesson per week and group lessons on non-showing weeks. We offer pasture board as well as stall board with nightly turn-out. Stalls include one high-powered fan in the summer.

**Alfalfa and supplements available at additional cost

Lessons – $60 per lesson
Students ride approximately 45 min. Students should allow for time before and after the lesson for tacking up, cooling down, and untacking. Lessons are available on lesson horses provided or on horses that are trailered in.

Half-Lease- Price varies by horse 
Fern Hollow Farm has many school horses to suit a variety of different levels available for lessons. These horses may also be available for showing at local shows depending on rider level and goals.  Many are also available for half lease which includes one individual lesson, one group lesson, and two free rides per week. In addition, a half lease gives an individual priority to show this horse at desired shows.

Training –
A monthly training board is available, cost is dependent on individual needs. In addition, training rides are available to both all-inclusive boarders and individuals looking to trailer in.

Schooling at a show on non-show days- $60 per day

Coaching at Shows – $75 per day

Coaching at a show includes show sign-ups, feeding, horse check-ups, organization of show times, and schooling as needed.

Trailering to Shows

Trailering to TIEC, Harmon Field, and FENCE: $40

Other destinations based on mileage

Mane Pulling & Trimming for Shows- $25 per show 

Fern Hollow Farm is located on 34 acres in Bostic, NC. The barn has 22 12’ by 12’stalls with 2 tack rooms and a separate feed room. There are 2 indoor wash racks with hot and cold water and an additional covered wash rack. A washer and dryer are also available.

For turnout, the farm has three large pastures and three paddocks. The fencing is a combination of board and Electrobraid.

There is a lighted 275’ by 175’ outdoor riding ring with sand footing complete with a jump course. When weather permits, several fields are available for riding.